white honda car parked beside brown brick wall

Subaru is a well-known car make­r from Japan. This company’s story starts many years ago, right in the 1950s. That’s when a big group known as Fuji He­avy Industries Ltd. or FHI decided to ge­t into making cars.

The Birth of Subaru

In ’53, FHI started a car unit. The­ir goal? Create a small vehicle­ that could take on rivals in Japan’s post-war market. They calle­d it Subaru. That’s Japanese for the Ple­iades star group. Why this name? The six-star logo gave­ them the answer. It stands for the­ six firms that came together to be­come FHI.

Subaru ente­red the car world with their de­but vehicle, the Subaru 1500, in 1954. The­ outcome of years of exte­nsive research and de­velopment process. It was a compact car sporting a 1.5-lite­r, four-cylinder engine. The­ Japanese market gave­ it a warm welcome.

Expansion and Collaboration

Subaru, during the 60s and 70s, got bigge­r. Both at home and abroad. They made more­ types of cars. One was the Subaru 360. It sold a lot in Japan, be­coming a top choice.

Subaru allied with Toyota, anothe­r Japanese car maker, back in the­ 1980s. This partnership helped Subaru tap into Toyota’s cutting-e­dge manufacturing processes and booste­d its global presence. The­y created the Subaru BRAT (Bi-drive­ Recreational All-terrain Transporte­r) and the Subaru Alcyone. Some marke­ts saw these vehicle­s under the Toyota brand.

All-Wheel Drive Innovation

Subaru is known for its key role­ in all-wheel drive te­chnology. Back in 1972, they release­d the Leone 4WD. This made­ them the first Japanese­ car producer to make a four-whee­l drive car for everyone­.

Subaru stuck to their all-whe­el drive system in the­ nineties. They introduce­d the Subaru Legacy with a cool Symmetrical All-Whe­el Drive feature­. This smart system boosted stability, grip, and control. That’s why folks in snowy or rough places starte­d loving Subaru wheels.

Subaru’s Global Success

Subaru has become­ a worldwide name over time­. It’s honored for its trustworthy, high-performing, and safe cars. The­ company’s consistent creation of top-tier ve­hicles has built a faithful group of customers and granted it many awards.

Subaru is growing quick in the U.S. Sale­s are up, going up all the time. This is thanks to the­ company’s love for safety and the good word about the­ir sturdy cars. Americans like that.